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 FAQ: Poet Tribute Prompts

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Posts : 2215
Karma : 233
Location : Vermont

FAQ: Poet Tribute Prompts Empty
PostSubject: FAQ: Poet Tribute Prompts   FAQ: Poet Tribute Prompts EmptyMarch 21st 2013, 2:46 pm

Please Read Carefully!!
Q: What is this board?
A: In celebration of National Poetry Month, every 5-6 days in April we will introduce (or re-introduce) you to a Famous poet and invite you to attempt to write in their "style." Precisely how you attempt this is up to you. Will you choose to compose an original poem by attempting to emulate the Featured Poet's essence, or will you parody one of their more famous poems?

Q: How often will the Featured Poet Change?
A: The Featured Poet will change according to the following schedule:

Week 1: April 1st - 6th Sylvia Plath
Week 2: April 7th - 12th Federico García Lorca
Week 3: April 13th - 18th W.B Yeats
Week 4: April 19th - 24th Dr Seuss
Week 5: April 25th - 30th Seamus Heaney

Q: How should we post our poems for this board?
A: Please post your poem as a reply to the appropriate poet thread in this board.

Q: May we post poems for the previous week's featured poet thread?
A: Yes.

Q: May we post these poems in another board as well?
A: No. While this board is temporary, the threads are not. We will be moving entries from here into the NPM Archive Board at the end of the month. You MAY leave/receive comments on poems in-thread. Smile

Participants in all 5 Tributes will receive a special graphic prize for their participation.
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FAQ: Poet Tribute Prompts
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» Poet Tribute: Seamus Heaney - April 25th - 30th

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