Poet Share Poetry Forums: Your Poetry Here!
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Please remember our policy of replying to 2 poems by other poets for every new poem you post! Thank you, and welcome to Poet Share!
Poet Share Poetry Forums: Your Poetry Here!
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Please remember our policy of replying to 2 poems by other poets for every new poem you post! Thank you, and welcome to Poet Share!

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Poet Share closed to any new posts on December 1, 2013. 
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Closing of the boards for all new posts as of December 1, 2013
I never wanted to write this post.  Life, however, brings to us changes of necessity, not changes we want.

Unfortunately, and as evidenced by the past few months' activities, I do not have the time to properly govern the use of this site anymore.  While there are visitors every day, the posts by members are becoming fewer and farther between, and the staff participation is just as sparse.  

It is with deep, deep regret I must hereby announce that Poet Share's boards will be locked for any new posts as of December 1st.  The boards will remain viewable so that members may retrieve...
by Jamie - Comments: 4 - Views: 3396

Hi friends!

It's been a busy summer for us here at Poet Share, as the sunshine has called us away more than usual. We've posted a new poetry prompt today for you summery, adventurous types.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns via PM if we're not on site. We hope to be back online fully staffed by mid-September!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1608

Posted for Cari
This post is by Carousal

Jamie suggested that a rose bush as a lasting tribute to Jay but unfortunately it wasn’t possible for Jay’s family to take it, so I have bought one which is planted in a container in my garden and will post a picture every year on PS

Ideally maybe I should have ordered a white rose as they were Jay’s favourites but this was the only rose I could find that was named after a poem, The Lark Ascending and a famous pastoral piece of music with the same name because I know Jay also loved the English countryside, so hopefully it will be equally...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1795

Happy Friday everyone!

We're not going to have a new prompt this week, as I'm still waiting for word from forumotion on what the heck is going on with this new editor system.

I've had to remove the Rhymezone function (strike 1) since it was no longer working properly since Forumotion pushed through this update.  Other issues that are known to have arisen from the editor update are NO PM Functionality using Internet Explorer (which is what I use so that's a BIG strike #2!) and problems using mobile devices (strike 3). 

SO . . . while we wait around for Forumotion...
by Jamie - Comments: 2 - Views: 3641

Here is your new Poetry Prompt!

#112: Homonyns In T Form

This week we challenge you to attempt a Form poem that contains two sets of homonyms. The topic itself may be of your choosing, however your poem must be written in either the Terza Rima, Terzanelle, Triolet, or Tanka form and must contain
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1541

Last week we engaged your sense of sight with a picture prompt, and this week we're engaging your sense of smell:

Prompt #111: Heaven Scent

This week your prompt is to write a poem about one or more of your favorite scents, where it comes from, what it reminds you of, etc. Will you write about a your first rose, gramma's kitchen, lilacs wafting in the kitchen window, or something else?

Admin will pick a winner from each Prompt's eligible entries, awarding a badge in the author's profile. Congratulations Otts on winning...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1573

Hello Sad

Today was hard. We sat having a coffee and the cars went past with a huge JAY alongside his coffin and lots of flowers which were beautiful. The weather was fair, only rained once we were all inside.

As you can imagine there were so many people there, full house, that was our Jay - popular of course Smile. It was hard, knowing he was so close yet not being able to touch him to say goodbye, but I said goodbye...
by Isobelle - Comments: 8 - Views: 1569

It is with a profound sense of loss that I have to share the news that our beloved Apocalypticjay, Jamie Mason, has passed away suddenly. I do not yet have any details but will share them as they become available.
by Jamie - Comments: 36 - Views: 3556

Good morning everyone. Forgive me if any of the following doesn't make sense or seems inappropriate, I'm doing the best I can at the moment.

Just as I know each of us is taking the death of Jamie Mason (ApocalypticJay) in our own way and dealing on our own terms, I also know it would tickle him pink to see the outpouring of love for him, and support for each other, that you've all shown in the last few days. You honor his memory by your actions and your words.

You may have noticed that AJ's avatar is now embedded in our header pic in the upper right-hand corner. That...
by Jamie - Comments: 15 - Views: 1775

Good morning everyone. I've re-added some features to the forum that you can disable at your leisure; some members have notified me of a preference for certain items, so where possible I've added them back in as long as they can be disabled by individual members on a one-time basis.

1)The sidebar items on the right have been re-added to the main forums, but if you prefer to have the forums display the full width of the screen then you can still do that with one click by clicking on this image at the top of the "Featured Poem" box:
by Jamie - Comments: 1 - Views: 1344

Well, Poetry Month is now over. Sad But that doesn't mean we don't still have interesting and inspiring activities for you here at Poet Share! While we compose the voting threads for the Cross-Board competition and tally the winners of our Trivia contest, we've decided to post the thread containing the Daily Poetry Prompts on our Portal Page sometime later today so that you can still try your hand at some really interesting writing prompts!

We're also working on a Magnetic Poetry page, so stay tuned!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1143

National Poetry Month is moving along, and there are only 10 days left to get your entries in for the Cross-Board competition! Members will vote for the winners for each board, and winners will have their entry stickied at the top of each respective forum for the next year. Don't miss your chance to have your poem highlighted for a year!

Now I'm off to see if I can write something Seuss-ical for the Poetic Tribute!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1192

Hi everyone! We hope you're enjoying our NPM activities! Today we have our normal daily prompt and trivia question, as well as other activities, but also wanted to point out that today is "Poem in your Pocket Day"--where you carry a favorite poem with you and share it with friends or people you meet!

Let us know if you have any interesting Poem in your Pocket Day experiences!

by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1168

Happy Poetry Month, everyone! We've got a neck-and-neck competition going with our Daily Poetic Trivia, and some real stumper questions coming up so it's anyone's game!

Don't forget to try some of the Daily Poetry Prompts or attempt to write in the fashion of famous poets in our Poetic Tributes board!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1377

We've got some stiff competition going with the Poetic Trivia, and harder questions coming up! We'll be giving away prizes of Fun Points and badges to more than just the winner, so why not give it a try?

Also, I wanted to point out today's Daily Poetry Prompt because it's one I've done in the past that was just so much fun to write:

April 9: Re-write a fairy tale from the perspective of an inanimate object. (Storytellers!)

Have a great Poetry Month!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1118

Each Friday in April the prompt is in the form of a "Word of the Day"--today's word is "SCRUMPTIOUS"

Write a poem incorporating the word SCRUMPTIOUS however you like!

Also, if you're interested, I've made my ebook of poetry on Kindle free each Friday in April. You can download it here: http://www.amazon.com/Cracks-In-A-Dam-ebook/dp/B00888UJWU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1365182706&sr=1-1&keywords=cracks+in+dam
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 666

Hi Guests! Would you like to read more of the poetry here? Why not join and partake of the activities? Signing up is quick and free, just click "register" in the top menu bar, sign up, then click the email link you're sent to activate your account and you'll be able to celebrate National Poetry Month with the rest of Poet Share's friendly community of poets!

Welcome Back Poet Share Members!

by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 664

Welcome everyone!! We're very excited to bring you some extra, special, extra-special poetry boards this month! Here's what we're bringing you for April:

by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 660

Wow, we had a lot of new folks join last week, so we'd like to "officially" welcome these new members into the fold:

Brutal Gardener
Swinging Pistol

Welcome, friends!! Hugs

We also wanted to point out the new RhymeZone feature we've added to the posting area. Should you wish to use it, clicking on the RhymeZone logo above the posting box will open a popup window that allows you to search...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1702

Hi everyone!

We just wanted to inform Poet Share members that we'll be making some minor changes to the format of the site in the weeks leading up to National Poetry Month. These changes are intended to make navigation easier for members and to enable our staff to check on more poems that aren't getting enough attention. We've had a good, substantive discussion amongst the staff and feel that these changes are necessary to help keep Poet Share a welcoming place for all of our talented poets. With the loss of two moderators, we're doing what we feel is needed for the good of the...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 845

We're a little late with this post, but the March prompts were up on the 1st and await your poetic responses, so why not try your hand at our Brain Box or Monthly Prompt? You might want to give one a whirl in order to get yourself ready for National Poetry Month next month!

That's right, April is National Poetry Month here at Poet Share! We will have a new prompt every single day in April, and other activities to help set your muse on fire! The Poetry Month boards are already made and special threads ready to go on April 1st, and we thought it might be nice...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 692
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