Poet Share Poetry Forums: Your Poetry Here!
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Please remember our policy of replying to 2 poems by other poets for every new poem you post! Thank you, and welcome to Poet Share!
Poet Share Poetry Forums: Your Poetry Here!
To access all of the forums guests can't see, you MUST register and then ACTIVATE THE EMAIL LINK SENT TO YOU or you will not be able to access the forums. You may login with your Facebook account after your initial login, but will still need to register if you haven't yet done so.

Please remember our policy of replying to 2 poems by other poets for every new poem you post! Thank you, and welcome to Poet Share!

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Some excitement from Forumotion!
You may have noticed by now that there is a toolbar at the top of your screen. This is an option recently instituted by Forumotion that I'm, for lack of a better word, psyched about!

Now you can receive all sorts of notifications (email, friend requests, etc) through the "Notifications" section of the toolbar. You have one-click sharing on Twitter, FB, & Google+, and a fully functioning search function.

To top this off, Forumotion has finally updated the mobile version of the site. Now you can do more than just read on your mobile device--you can post a new topic,...
by Jamie - Comments: 3 - Views: 702

A Moment of Remembrance
You may or may not have heard already that today is the 50th anniversay of the death of Robert Frost. Frost is one of my favorite poets (naturally, I'm a Vermonter!) and his easy rhyme always seems to soothe me. So as a slight, small tribute to a wonderful poet, we're posting perhaps his most famous poem here, and opening up this thread for anyone to discuss his writing or to post copies of any of his poems that you enjoy. And may you all have miles and miles to go before you sleep.

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

Whose woods these...
by Jamie - Comments: 2 - Views: 977

Welcome to February, Poet Share!

This month we forge through the bitter cold of winter with the warmth of Valentines day (Special Contest coming soon!) and some new prompts for you. Our featured poem this month is Titanomachy by ladylilith, a treat you shouldn't miss (click here to read it)!

Our new prompts for February are as follows:

Poetry Prompt #106: Sleep With One Eye Open
This challenge...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 573

Our Featured Poem for January, 2013 is Marianne's Toads by Flux. Click here to read it!

Without further ado, here are your new prompts for January. Awards for December and November prompts will be made this week, so don't forget to enter the prompts if you want a chance at a shiny badge for your profile!
Poetry Prompt #104: Cabin Fever Sonnet
This challenge asks you to write a story-sonnet. Winter in the North brings...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 758

Sorry for the delay with January's new prompts. I've been sick with the flu and Daniel is away on personal business but I will get it done either tomorrow or Sunday. Thank you for your patience.
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 940

Happy December everyone!

As the Holiday Season nears, and as I find myself embedded in shopping and cooking (and hoping for some good birthday presents!), the hard reality has struck that we simply do not have the staff to accommodate weekly, or even bi-weekly, prompts. Therefore, at least for the time being, we will be switching to a monthly prompt format.

Instead of one prompt every two weeks, we will now post two prompts--a text prompt as well as a Brain Box--every month to get you inspired. This month, of course, our own inspiration was a bit seasonal.
by Jamie - Comments: 1 - Views: 966

Happy Friday everyone! Smile

This week's Featured Poem is Why Oh Why by Musicmylife, click here to read it! And don't forget to send in your nomination for the next Featured Poem!

We're entirely too excited about our 100th Poetry Prompt so without further ado here it is:

by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 1501

Happy Halloween to all of our members! Please take a moment to check out the winning poems in our Poet Scare contests, "The Haunted Mansion" by Isobelle, and "The Candy Jar " by Dr. Fogg, both in our Special Contests Board

Remember to be careful driving home tonight when the little ghouls and goblins are sure to be out trick or treating!

And be on the lookout for more contests coming soon!
by Jamie - Comments: 1 - Views: 847

I'm happy to announce that we've created a new Facebook Page! This page is linked to the Poet Share Twitter account http://twitter.com/poetshare that you can follow @poetshare.
If you're part of the FB Poet Share Group you should receive a FB invite soon.

Just doing our part to reach out to great poets everywhere!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 566

Please Read

This may be due to the recent forum version changes. Just click "Delete Forum Cookies" near the bottom of the front page (above "who's online", to the right) and it should reset everything. You might have to log in again, though. If you are still having issues, contact me!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 662

Have you ever wondered why the chicken crossed the road? Was something chasing him or was he trying to find his way home? perhaps he was "egged" on by someone.. this is your chance to answer that age old question in a poem. Have fun and enjoy this weeks prompt. Don't miss our new featured poem, On Fairy Wingsby Ladywildalice
by Daniel - Comments: 0 - Views: 623

Apologies to everyone for the late prompt. Had some family emergencies and spent much of the last week at the hospital. I will post a new prompt and featured poem sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, you can always take a gander at our annual Poet Scare Contest in the Special Contests board! A second Poet Scare contest will follow soon, both ending this month so you may want to get started! Smile
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 589

Our new poetry prompt is once again a Brain Box, where we challenge you to write a poem including at least Five (5) words from the box presented on the front page. Here are your new Brain Box Words:
Spell Breed Click Need
Dwell Live Canter Strand
Mention Handle Well Steal
Pale Cause Park Turn

This week's featured poem is We Will Not Evacuate by Daniel. Click here to read it!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 783

Happy Friday everyone! Please take a moment to read our latest Featured Poem, The Music Room by Carousal. It's a striking write that we're more than proud to feature this week. We're also going to tease you with this: we're working on a special way to request in-depth critiques on your poetry or other writing, so stay tuned for that announcement!

Without further adieu, here is your new Poetry Prompt:

Poetry Prompt #97: You Are My Sunshine

Many of us--the lucky...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 792

Greetings everyone. It looks like Jahaliel is trying to fill up her award slots for badges quickly, because she's on a roll and has won our latest Brain Box! The next chance to win a BB Badge for your profile is coming soon so keep watching!

Also, we've started a New Member Guide in the FAQ & TOS board. If you have any helpful hints or suggestions, post them as replies to that thread and we'll incorporate them!

New prompt and a new featured poem are coming this friday, see you then!
by Jamie - Comments: 2 - Views: 726

Great News! A time capsule was just dug up that was in the ground for over 100 years.. Inside they found photographs, old books and a poem. This prompt wants you to write that 100 year old poem. Was it written for the future or was it about the past? it is your choice. As an extra challenge, you must mention the words "liver" and "bounce" in your poem. Also don't miss our new featured poem, "Sonnet 31, written by "The LoneSonneteer".
by Daniel - Comments: 0 - Views: 691

Our current Brain Box prompt will continue until this Friday. I was on vacation and could not change it from the campground. My phone isn't that good lol.

Be sure you enter your poem! You could win a Brain Box Badge for your profile!
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 519

Well, after a couple of hours of tearing my hair out over the coding--and I didn't have that much to begin with, lol--I've finally got the Brain Box to appear correctly. So without further adieu, here is your new Prompt:

Poetry Prompt #95: Brain Box
Write a poem incorporating at least five (5) words from the Brain Box on our front page. There is no length limit but this challenge WILL expire on August 17th! Have fun and be creative!

The current brain box words are: Smile, Pink, Score, Vigil, Game, Watch, Play, Green,...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 645

Hello friends, the new poetry prompt is here just in time for those of us who have been daydreaming around the house.. speaking of dreaming, this prompt is called "The Dreamer".. it goes like this: We want you to write about a dream you have had in the past. Remember, Dreams, unlike reality, don't always have to make sense and sometimes involve people you have never met. This prompt is about writing a poem dealing with something that happened in one of those dreams. It can be any form except prose. There is no length limit but this challenge WILL expire on August 3rd! Have fun...
by Daniel - Comments: 0 - Views: 612

Hello everyone! This time we've got a new prompt for you but you only have 5 days to do it!

Poetry Prompt #93: Adventures In . . .
This challenge asks you to write a story-poem. Take any type of career you can think of--Chef, Gardener, Architect, Writer, Rock Star, Astronaut, Police Officer--the choices are endless--and send your main character on an adventure. There is no length limit but this challenge WILL expire on July 20th! Have fun and be creative!

To enter, simply click on Poet Share Prompts and post your poem as a...
by Jamie - Comments: 0 - Views: 618
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